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DownloadReading "Don't believe us. Believe your Macrosoft reckoning system". ~ Twin Aesop Mice

In all circumstances live microcosm namas macrocosm (Buddha), Ascending (Jesus Christ) Tawakkul A'lal-allah (Mohammad) Embodying Tao (Lao Tzu) -- at least until mastering co-distributing SAF franchise. ~ BJM #10.

Soulful seeker's

Astute Hellenism

> InfoBridge
> UPOL Lifers
> Love Kibalat
Sheng Jens
> SAF Franchise
> 3D Life Lab
> Fake Dēmokritos


HB Modifies & Dissolves. HG Creates & Adds in
"Only when you're in God's light without fractions of anger, you have companions". ~ Mohammad

Living (Profit) Road: In CHCA-sanctified, excelent mode, your endorphin-flew intellect frees B69A BIOS to thread (0, 1) HRML upright helix noeticism metaheallinking macrocosmic HB OS overriding HB OS -- fortune wheeling rapturistic incarna(ge)t+ion (no massive killing], role modeling humanism on nemitotic-genesis-evolution path (heavenly in God's light/ subatomic trilogical organism) -- gaining Trinity of Life (Life force, intuitive wisdom, communal hi-touch influence), releasing SAF (sanctity, authenticity, frugality) radiances, flowing inside-out creativities yieding UPOL boomerangs.

"Tao is yielding, not convincing". ~ Lao Tzu

Death (Loss) Road: In desperate/ frantic/ hectic material-bent mode, man's intellect-stored Alian's IT wretches B96A BIOS to thread (-1, 0, 1) downleft helix HTML <> (0, 1) upright helix HRML noeticism metaheatlinking HB OS, damaging Durga intima membranes with adrenalin-jerk impulsivism, locking off HG OS (helly in leviathan's light/ lower-uni+verse atomic trilogical organism) losing Trinity of Life, misering SAF radiances, lacking creativities/ increasing vandalism pheromones, role modeling inhumanism on neomeiotic-genesis-devolution path, blasting inside-out anti-UPOL boomerangs.

The Lord of the Lords of the Rings/ King of Kings

"Seeking differences, you find wars. Questing for similitudes, you find peace." ~ Ralph Peterson

Life Engine of Greatness: Every neural, quietistic, humble, UPOL-boomerang-oriented TTTing (thinking > talking > touching) unto a bacteria, plant, animal, man's 3D life in CHCA sanctified <> authenticated <> flugalized feeling kingdom, your BIOS (the practical) uplinks caravans of blissing Alpha+ carrying (male) fairies informing the sacred. The sacred downlinks blessing OM carrying (female) fairies to tell the practical (your BIOS). The blissing (pivot core axis) <> blessing (whirling core axis) circulatory, fortune-wheeling circle-of-circles of virtue fairy caravans [your true life engine (ionbody matrix) radiances] compassionlink, middlelink, diffusionlink pervading, perking, engendering unlimited wireless, self-operating bio-computers (fractal bio-eloectromagnetic fields called lives) globewide <> skywide;-

The 3D icon's BIOS directly in touch <> Your BIOS <> the (w)ho(l)ly universalNet WIFI (Tao/ HG OS) BIOS of God's cosmos (upper uni+verse) <> sun-planet-gear lives interacting (Mother Nature's holistic creation backup computer -- with HB OS online editor of lower-uni+verse lurking leviathanism).

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